
Interim Pastor

Jerry Stephens

Born July 15, 1953 in Fairmont NC to Mary Francis Stephens Dixon and Minnies Dixon.

Graduated from Fairmont High School in June 1971. Attended Mt Olive Technical College in 1972 and Shaw Divinity in Raleigh NC from 1983-1985. In 1992 Stafford Business School Washington DC.

Have served in numerous positions both locally and state wide. Excepted Christ in 1979, excepted the call to preach in 1982 and was ordained in 1983 by the late Bishop Charles O. McDowell at Star Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church in Fairmont NC.

Served 8 years as Moderator of The Robeson Baptist Union of The Lumber River Baptist Association.

Currently serving as president of the Lumber River Housing Corp (Parkview Terrace Apartments), Lumberton NC. Five years as president of the URC NAACP. In the past 40 years have pastored 5 Baptist churches in Robeson and Columbus counties.

Started United Professional Services Insurance Agency in 1988-presently. Jerry Stephens and sons used cars in 2008. Jerry Stephens Sr. consulting services 2010-present

Served 14 years on the Robeson county board of commissioners and two terms as its chairman.

7 sons and 2 daughters with Mathew being the youngest at 34.

Associate Minister

Barbara Currie

Under the leadership of Senior Pastor, Terry Harris. Minister Barbara exercises her spiritual gifts as the pulpit worship leader, president of the young adult missionary, and preaching during worship service. Her ministry is motivated by teaching and preaching the word of God in a fresh and practical way that will invite everyone to experience our Lord and Savior in our everyday life. Minister Barbara is married to Antonio Currie and they have four children with one granddaughter. She is the daughter of the Former Mayor, Nedward Gaddy and Mother Shirley Saunders. She is the daughter-in-law of Earlene Currie and the late Rudolph Currie. Minister Barbara’s favorite scripture is, With God All things are Possible, Mathew 19:26 this meaning Believe in God. Submit to Him and watch God do the impossible.

Church Clerl

Tracey Gaddy

  Send Email  •  (910)736-0309

Financial Treasure

Willie Gerald

Financial Secretary

Cheryl Powell


Christopher Legette

Theon Thompson


Brent McDonald